Early Finding of Vasa Previa: A Case Report

Rizka Adi Nugraha Putra(1*), Irwan Taufiqur Rachman(2), Heru Pradjatmo(3)
(2) Departemen Obstetri dan Ginekologi, FKKMK UGM
(3) Departemen Obstetri dan Ginekologi, FKKMK UGM
(*) Corresponding Author
Vasa previa is referred to the condition of running of fetal vessels that are unprotected by placenta or umbilical cord, within the membranes over the cervix and under the presenting part of the fetus. Due to its membranous vessels, risk of being compressed or ruptures could lead to fetal demise, exsanguination or even death. Its exact etiology is still unknown but multiple risk factors are known, such as low-lying placenta, placenta previa, multiple pregnancies, multilobed placenta and velamentous umbilical cord anchorage, and assisted pregnancy like invitro fertilization.
In this report we report a case of 40 years old woman, G3P1A1 at 35 weeks of gestation and history of C-section due to preeclampsia and breech presentation and curettage due to blighted ovum. Early prenatal diagnosis using ultrasonography examination could increase the survival rate of the fetus if followed by sufficient measure after diagnosed. Cesarean birth is the safest mode of delivery even before the clinical signs or onset of labor occurred.
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