Penggunaan dan Fungsi Kalimat Kondisional Bahasa Jepang “to”, “tara”, “reba” dan “nara” Berdasarkan Modalitas dan Teori Teritori Informasi

Ari Artadi(1*), Hari Setiawan(2)

(1) Darma Persada University
(2) Darma Persada University
(*) Corresponding Author


In Japanese, four conjugate particles are usually used to form conditional sentence patterns, namely “to”, “tara”, “reba” and “nara”. Based on the use of their modality and information territory, they have different uses and functions. Data analysis of Japanese newspaper sentences using qualitative method showed that Japanese conditional sentences can be classified into two types. The first type is Repeated Factual Conditional Sentence that uses the conjugate particle “to”. This sentence is used when the speaker and listener are considered to know the contents of the information in it, thus expressing a recurring event or habit. The modality that is widely used is the epistemic modality. The second type is Hypotheses or Assumptions Conditional Sentences that use the conjugate particles of “tara”, “reba”, and “nara”. This conditional sentence is used when the contents of the information is the speaker’s desire and only exists in the territory of the speaker. Therefore, its functions is to show a desire, request, suggestion, order, and prohibition, all of which are hypotheses or assumptions of the speaker. The modality used is the intentional modality, such as the modality of desires, requests, suggestions, commands, prohibitions, and so on.


conditional sentences, Japanese, modalities, information territories

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