Ramizah Wan Muhammad(1), Mohamed Affan Shafy(2*)
(1) Scopus ID : 56896961200, Facultyt of Law, International Islamic University Malaysia
(*) Corresponding Author
Malaysia operates a federal parliamentary system. The Constitution recognises Islam as the Federation's religion with the proviso that other religions be practised in peace. Islamic law exists alongside common law. This study analyses how the two laws are harmonised and the features of Islamic law in operation. This paper qualitatively analyses the Federal Constitution of Malaysia and examines the features of Islamic law it contains. In particular, this paper studies the current establishment of Syariah courts, its criminal mandate, the enforcement, and Syariah approach in practice in Malaysian federal territories. This paper's findings may help the improvement and betterment of Islamic law, particularly in harmonising common law jurisdiction with Syariah.
Malaysia menggunakan sistem federal parlementer. Konstitusinya mengakui Islam sebagai agama federasi dengan aturan agama lain boleh dipraktikkan dalam damai. Hukum Islam hadir bersandingan dengan common law. Penelitian ini menganalisis sikap dimana kedua hukum bisa harmonis dan fitur hukum Islam dalam praktiknya. Tulisan ini secara kualitatif menganalisis Konstitusi Federal Malaysia dan memeriksa fitur hukum Islam di dalamnya. Secara khusus, tulisan ini mempelajari pembentukan pengadilan Syariah saat ini, mandat pidananya, penegakannya, dan pendekatan Syariah dalam praktik di teritori federal Malaysia. Penemuan dari tulisan ini dapat membantu mengembangkan dan memperbaiki Hukum Islam terutama harmonisasi antara yurisdiksi common law dan Syariah.
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C. Research
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E. Malaysian Legislations
The Administration of Islamic Law (Federal Territories) Act, 1993. (Act 505).
The Federal Constitution, 1957. (Act 373).
The Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act, 1965. (Act 23).
The Syariah Criminal Procedure (Federal Territories) Act. 1997. (Act 560).

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