Evie Sopacua(1*)
(*) Corresponding Author
Background: Washing hands with soap on right a time is an
effort to change bad attitudes which does not support the
expected health’s status. Washing hands with soap couldn’t
succeeded if there was not clean water access. This analysis
purposed to know the relation between clean water access
with washing hands with soap’s attitudes on household with
children under 5 years based on region’s type in Indonesia.
Method: This analysis used chi-square’s and log-regression’s
test with Riskesdas 2007 data as analysis units. It showed
that 243.396 children under 5 years on 104.109 urban’s
households and 139.287 rural’s households.
Result: The result showed that the clean water access 90%
either in urban or rural was good, but the attitude washing
hands with soap were still low, under 60%. Chi-square test
showed there was a relation between the clean water access
and the outcome level with washing hands with soap’s attitude.
Log-regression test showed that tended based on the outcome
level in avarege and poor households, and did not differs
between urban and rural.
Conclusion: There were relations between the clean water
access and outcome levels with washing hands with soap.
Washing hands with soap ‘s attitude with clean water or not
still on the low level, either on urban or rural. Household with
poor economic’s and avarege’s status tended to low washing
hands with soap’s attitude againts the wealthy one. This study
recommended to improve health’s education to all community,
to understand the importance of washing hands with soap
using clean water for all activities, especially before eating,
before preparing the food, after loosen the bowels/babies’
care, and after holding the animals.
Keywords: clean water access, washing hands with soap,
household with children under 5 years
effort to change bad attitudes which does not support the
expected health’s status. Washing hands with soap couldn’t
succeeded if there was not clean water access. This analysis
purposed to know the relation between clean water access
with washing hands with soap’s attitudes on household with
children under 5 years based on region’s type in Indonesia.
Method: This analysis used chi-square’s and log-regression’s
test with Riskesdas 2007 data as analysis units. It showed
that 243.396 children under 5 years on 104.109 urban’s
households and 139.287 rural’s households.
Result: The result showed that the clean water access 90%
either in urban or rural was good, but the attitude washing
hands with soap were still low, under 60%. Chi-square test
showed there was a relation between the clean water access
and the outcome level with washing hands with soap’s attitude.
Log-regression test showed that tended based on the outcome
level in avarege and poor households, and did not differs
between urban and rural.
Conclusion: There were relations between the clean water
access and outcome levels with washing hands with soap.
Washing hands with soap ‘s attitude with clean water or not
still on the low level, either on urban or rural. Household with
poor economic’s and avarege’s status tended to low washing
hands with soap’s attitude againts the wealthy one. This study
recommended to improve health’s education to all community,
to understand the importance of washing hands with soap
using clean water for all activities, especially before eating,
before preparing the food, after loosen the bowels/babies’
care, and after holding the animals.
Keywords: clean water access, washing hands with soap,
household with children under 5 years
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