Hidrolisis Minyak Biji Kapuk dengan Katalisator Asam Khlorida

Ganjar Andaka(1*)
(*) Corresponding Author
Reaksi hidrolisis minyak biji kapuk memakai asam khlorida sebagai katalisator untuk membentuk gliserol dan asam lemak dilakukan dengan mempelajari pengaruh suhu reaksi dan konsentrasi katalisator terhadap konstanta kecepatan reaksi. Percobaan dilakukan dalam reaktor yang berupa labu leher tiga yang dilengkapi dengan pendingin, pemanas, pengaduk dan termometer sebagai pengukur suhu. Percobaan dilakukan pada kisaran suhu 80 sampai 100oC, konsentrasi katalisator 0,011 sampai 0,017 N dan waktu reaksi 3 jam. Konsentrasi trigliserida setiap 0,25 jam dianalisis untuk menghitung konversi trigliserid. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kinetika reaksi hidrolisis minyak biji kapuk mengikuti reaksi tingkat satu terhadap konsentrasi trigliserida. Pengaruh suhu terhadap konstanta kecepatan reaksi dapat disajikan dalam persamaan k = 0,3258 exp(−1379,8875/RT) jam−1 dengan nilai tenaga pengaktif 1379,8875 cal/mol. Hubungan konsentrasi katalisator dengan konstanta kecepatan reaksi dituliskan dalam persamaan k = 0,06002 exp(−0,0025/Ck) jam−1.
Kata kunci: kinetika, hidrolisis, minyak biji kapuk, asam lemak, gliserol
Hydrolysis of kapok seed oil in the presence of hydrochloric acid catalyst to produce glycerol and fatty acid was studied. The objective of this work was to study the effect of reaction temperature and catalyst concentration on the reaction rate constant. The experiments were conducted in a three-neck flask equiped with stirrer, heater, condenser, and thermometer. The reaction condition studied were temperature ranging from 80 to 100C and catalyst concentration from 0.011 to 0.017 N. The reaction time was kept constant at 3 hours. The concentration of triglycerides every 0.25 hour were analyzed to calculate the conversion of triglycerides. The results of this study showed that the reaction kinetics of the hydrolysis of kapok seed oil was found to be first order with respect to triglyceride. The effect of reaction temperatures on the reaction rate constant was found to be k = 0.3258 exp(−1379.8875/RT) h−1, the activation energy was 1379.8875 cal/mol and the effect of catalyst concentrations on the reaction rate constant could be expressed as k = 0.06002 exp(−0.0025/Ck) h−1.
Key words: kinetics, hydrolysis, kapok seed oil, fatty acid, glycerol
Kata kunci: kinetika, hidrolisis, minyak biji kapuk, asam lemak, gliserol
Hydrolysis of kapok seed oil in the presence of hydrochloric acid catalyst to produce glycerol and fatty acid was studied. The objective of this work was to study the effect of reaction temperature and catalyst concentration on the reaction rate constant. The experiments were conducted in a three-neck flask equiped with stirrer, heater, condenser, and thermometer. The reaction condition studied were temperature ranging from 80 to 100C and catalyst concentration from 0.011 to 0.017 N. The reaction time was kept constant at 3 hours. The concentration of triglycerides every 0.25 hour were analyzed to calculate the conversion of triglycerides. The results of this study showed that the reaction kinetics of the hydrolysis of kapok seed oil was found to be first order with respect to triglyceride. The effect of reaction temperatures on the reaction rate constant was found to be k = 0.3258 exp(−1379.8875/RT) h−1, the activation energy was 1379.8875 cal/mol and the effect of catalyst concentrations on the reaction rate constant could be expressed as k = 0.06002 exp(−0.0025/Ck) h−1.
Key words: kinetics, hydrolysis, kapok seed oil, fatty acid, glycerol
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