Numerical Method for Front Tracking in Mold Filling Modeling in Composite Injection Molding: Non-reacting System

Mohammad Fahrurrozi(1*), John R. Collier(2)
(*) Corresponding Author
Pemodelan proses pengisian cetakan sangat penting untuk perancangan cetakan untuk pencetakan komposit polimer. Harga software komersial untuk simulasi pengisian cetakan sangat mahal untuk ukuran rata-rata perusahaan Indonesia. Keberadan software yang lebih terjangakau akan mendorong perkembangan teknologi domestik yang berhubungan dengan pencetakan komposit polimer. Paper ini menyajikan pemodelan pengisian cetakan komposit polimer dalam sistem 3 dimensi berbasis metoda numeris control volume finite difference (CV-FD) pada elemen yang tetap (fixed grids). Pemodelan bentuk ujung aliran polimer (front) dilakukan dengan menggunakan metoda volume of fluid (VOF). Profile kecepatan dihitung dengan menggunakan persamaanDarcy untuk sistem 3 dimensi. Perhitungan dilakukan dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrogaman Fortran dan penggambaran hasil perhitungan dilakukan dengan menggunakan Matlab. Model yang dikembangkan dapat mendekati hasil pengukuran secara eksperimen untuk tekanan pada lobang pemasukan (gate) dengan relatf baik. Karena data eksperimen perkembangan ujung aliran olimer tidak ada, maka hasil perhitungan model yang dikembangkan dibandingkan dengan hasil perhitungan dengan menggunakan software yang dikembangkan dan digunakan oleh US NIST. Software yang dikembangakn dapat memperkirakan dengan baik posisi ujung aliran polimer yang dihitung dengan menggunakan software dari US NIST.
Kata kunci: komposit, polimer, pencetakan, pemodelan
Mold filing simulation is important in mold design for liquid composite molding. Cost of commercial software for mold filling simulation is very expensive for average Indonesian companies. Therefore a more affordable simulation program is necessary to promote development of domestic technology related to liquid composite molding. This paper presents 3-dimension mold filling model based on control volume finite difference (CV-FD) numerical method on fixed grids. Front tracking was performed using volume of fluid method (VOF) implemented on CV-FD. Velocity field was computed using Darcy's equation. Computation was implemented on Fortran while contour plot were prepared using Matlab. The developed model predicts well gate pressure obtained experimentally. Since experimental data for front advancement is not available, calculation results were compared with results for other software developed by US’s NIST. The developed model predict front position obtain by the other software quite well.
Key words: mold filling, simulation, reaction, injection, composites
Kata kunci: komposit, polimer, pencetakan, pemodelan
Mold filing simulation is important in mold design for liquid composite molding. Cost of commercial software for mold filling simulation is very expensive for average Indonesian companies. Therefore a more affordable simulation program is necessary to promote development of domestic technology related to liquid composite molding. This paper presents 3-dimension mold filling model based on control volume finite difference (CV-FD) numerical method on fixed grids. Front tracking was performed using volume of fluid method (VOF) implemented on CV-FD. Velocity field was computed using Darcy's equation. Computation was implemented on Fortran while contour plot were prepared using Matlab. The developed model predicts well gate pressure obtained experimentally. Since experimental data for front advancement is not available, calculation results were compared with results for other software developed by US’s NIST. The developed model predict front position obtain by the other software quite well.
Key words: mold filling, simulation, reaction, injection, composites
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