Penentuan Rasio Optimum Campuran CPO: Batubara Dalam Desulfurisasi dan Deashing Secara Flotasi Sistem Kontinyu

Andi Aladin(1*)
(*) Corresponding Author
Salah satu problem penggunaan batubara Indonesia adalah kandungan sulfur dan abu yang relatif tinggi sehingga dapat berdampak pada kerusakan alat pembakar dan pencemaran lingkungan. Flotasi merupakan salah satu metode untuk mereduksi kandungan sulfur (anorganik) dan abu batubara. Penelitian desulfurisasi dan deashing batubara asal daerah Mallawa (Sulawesi) dilakukan dalam sebuah alat kolom flotasi dengan sistem kontinyu. Diamati beberapa variabel flotasi yang dapat memberikan hasil desulfurisasi yang maksimum, diantaranya adalah variabel rasio campuran surfaktan CPO (Crude Palm Oil) terhadap bahan batubara, dibahas dalam artikel ini. Diperoleh rasio campuran optimum adalah 1:4, berdasarkan kondisi optimum variabel lain yang telah diperoleh sebelumnya yaitu waktu tinggal 60 menit, laju alir udara 1,22 liter/menit, pH 6,5 dan ukuran partikel batubara 169 m. Pada kondisi optimum ini kandungan sulfur batubara dapat direduksi dari 3,3% menjadi 0,93% atau recovery sulfur 72% dan kandungan abu dapat diturunkan dari 11,25% menjadi 9,75% dengan nilai kalor dapat dipertahankan 6000 kkal/kg. Batubara hasil desulfurisasi dan deashing ini telah memenuhi kriteria untuk digunakan sebagai bahan bakar di industri.
Kata kunci: abu, sulfur, flotasi, nilai kalor, kontinyu, rasio CPO:Batubara
The problem related to the utilisation of Indonesian coal is the high sulphur and ash contents of the coal which may defect the combustor units and pollute the environment. Flotation is one of the methods to reduce the inorganic sulphur and ash in coal. Research on desulphurisation and deashing of coal from Mallawa (Sulawesi) was performed in a continuous flotation column. Variables which give maximum desulphurisation were studied and covered in this article, e.g. mixing ratio of crude palm oil (CPO) surfactant to coal. It was found that optimum mixing ratio of CPO to coal was 1:4, based on optimum conditions previously determined, i.e. resident time of 60 minutes, air flow rate of 1.22 l/min, pH 6.5 and coal particle size of 169 m. In these optimum conditions, the sulphur content was reduced from 3.3% to 0.93% or 72% sulphur recovery, while the ash content was reduced from 11.25% to 9.75%, the calorific value was maintained at 6000 kcal/kg. The desulphurised and deashed coal meets the specification criteria of the industrial fuel.
Key words: ash, sulphur, continuous flotation, caloric valve, ratio CPO:coal
Kata kunci: abu, sulfur, flotasi, nilai kalor, kontinyu, rasio CPO:Batubara
The problem related to the utilisation of Indonesian coal is the high sulphur and ash contents of the coal which may defect the combustor units and pollute the environment. Flotation is one of the methods to reduce the inorganic sulphur and ash in coal. Research on desulphurisation and deashing of coal from Mallawa (Sulawesi) was performed in a continuous flotation column. Variables which give maximum desulphurisation were studied and covered in this article, e.g. mixing ratio of crude palm oil (CPO) surfactant to coal. It was found that optimum mixing ratio of CPO to coal was 1:4, based on optimum conditions previously determined, i.e. resident time of 60 minutes, air flow rate of 1.22 l/min, pH 6.5 and coal particle size of 169 m. In these optimum conditions, the sulphur content was reduced from 3.3% to 0.93% or 72% sulphur recovery, while the ash content was reduced from 11.25% to 9.75%, the calorific value was maintained at 6000 kcal/kg. The desulphurised and deashed coal meets the specification criteria of the industrial fuel.
Key words: ash, sulphur, continuous flotation, caloric valve, ratio CPO:coal
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