Mitos Genjer-Genjer: Politik Makna dalam Lagu

Utan Parlindungan(1*)

(*) Corresponding Author


Merely based on the ideological struggle, the arts play an important role, especially as a means of forming unisonality, group identifi cation and emotional bridge between individuals in bringing “sense” that the goals of power may easily be achieved. No exception of music; it deliberately created and disseminated for the sake of its own nature. However, power is not as universal as music; making a claim toward music (songs) in the risk of political contestation may produce ambivalence meanings (ambiguity). In one hand, music tends to be sacred, but a moment later, it is more vulnerable to be alienated or marginalized. In some cases, the practice of politicization oft en ends up banning music and tragedy.


music; ideological instrument; contestation of meaning; semiotics, myth.

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