Selfie dan Media Sosial pada Seni sebagai Wujud Eksistensi

Michael HB Raditya(1*)

(*) Corresponding Author


This article discusses the existence of individuals that are constructed based arts events. Selfi e and social media in arts as a form of existance is the right word to respons upon the development of society. There is a issues would be discuss in this article; discuss about elements of arts existence, commodifi cation of arts, and patterns of consumption. Literature review and ethnography is the method to solve the problem, with qualitative research. The restult of this article are; selfi e is the new practice of arts consumption, social media as a fi eld of existence, arts became a major commodity in society. The exchange not only enjoy arts object, but also there is technology that aims to increase its existence. Social media is new fi eld for society to show the existence, and when someone selfi e with art, would be more prestige. Arts became exist with a different way.


art; life style; existence; social media; selfie.

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