Jurnal Kawistara

Jurnal Kawistara: The Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, one of the journals published by the Graduate School, Universitas Gadjah Mada, was established in April 2011 and has been accredited (B) or SINTA 2 (download Certificate hereby Directorate General of Higher Education, Indonesian Ministry of Education since 2014 with printed version of ISSN 2088-5415 and the online version of ISSN 2355-5777.

For submitting your article, please follow this link and follow the author guidelines in this link to meet our criteria for Jurnal Kawistara. If you need a step by step tutorial for online submission and our journal template, Please click here.

If you still need assistance for further information, do not hesitate to contact us via Whatsapp (just click icon).

Journal Homepage Image




We invite scholars and researchers from different disciplines to contribute (please find our focus and scope in the site menu). All papers should be submitted via Online Submission system using OJS. Visit the Author Guidelines for more details about the paper's format. Please meet the deadline in February 2022. We would like to acknowledge many people who have already submitted their articles, please find that all papers will be processed in April 2022.  
Posted: 2022-01-05



Dear all authors,

First of all, we would like to thank all of authors and contributors to our journal. We inform that Jurnal Kawistara will have a delay for processing any submitted articles at this time (2023), because we have enough articles to be published in this year (2023). However, all submitted articles still will be proceed to the review stage in the remaining months in this year (2023) and considered for publishing opportunity in 2024.

Sedond, we are pleased to announce that Jurnal Kawistara has updated a criteria for our accepted articles.

In evaluating and deciding publication, we have various considerations that include

  1. the format that matches the author's guidelines;
  2. meets our focus and scope;
  3. technical problems (such as to many typos, redundancy, does not cite all of mentioned quoted authors);
  4. quality of article, and
  5. academic contributions.

If the criteria are not met, your submission will be returned for resubmit or decline submission immediately. Please, all authors should check your email regularly or login to our website to check your article's progress, or contact our staff.

Thank you for submission to Jurnal Kawistara as a venue for your work and thank your for all your support

For further information, contact our staff in Contact Page.

Posted: 2023-09-05 More...



Dear all authors,

Our editorial team has added a way to write the latest references.

Writing format systems of a bibliography and references for Jurnal KAWISTARA is using the American Psychological Association (APA Style). Please change your reference writing style carefully (including coma, full stop, italic, url, and so on). Please use Mendeley application for your references. 

Download the new format here.

Thank your for all your support.

Posted: 2021-05-04



For all authors, we have already updated a rule for Letter of Submission (LoS) request. All authors who need LoS should fulfill Approval letter form. Its format can be downloaded here and sent to us via email on the form.

Our staff will process LoS request via email in working days (Monday to Friday). We will generate LoS without any processing fee (free of charge) in 1-2 days after communication with our staff.

For Letter of Acceptance, it can be requested for free after your manuscript is confirmed to be accepted after some reviewing processes.

For any technical issue, please do not hesitate to contact our staff.

Thank your for all your support.

Posted: 2019-07-01 More...



To All Readers,
Jurnal Kawistara has just published its latest issue at https://jurnal.ugm.ac.id/kawistara/issue/current. We invite you to read the Table of Contents here and then visit our web site to download new articles and items of interest.

We would like to thank all contributors, authors, and reviewers for the continuing interest in our work,

Jurnal Kawistara
Universitas Gadjah Mada

Posted: 2019-02-26
More Announcements...

Vol 14, No 2 (2024)

Table of Contents


Aprinus Salam, Alfian Maulana
10.22146/kawistara.92385 Abstract views : 21 | views : 3
Hendrarto Kurniawan Supangkat, Gusti Ayu Made Hanny Dian Savitri
10.22146/kawistara.88920 Abstract views : 12 | views : 3
Sony Sukmawan, Nurul Alifah
10.22146/kawistara.89093 Abstract views : 17 | views : 15
Cindy Amalia Cahyani, Yulianingsih Yulianingsih, Priarti Megawanti
10.22146/kawistara.92386 Abstract views : 13 | views : 2
Syfa Amelia, Arif Ardy Wibowo
10.22146/kawistara.82284 Abstract views : 16 | views : 11
Zahara Zahara, Slameto Slameto, Umi Karomah Yaumidin, Robet Asnawi, Gontom C. Kifli, Retna Qomariah, Sumaryanto Sumaryanto, Dwi Priyanto, Ratna Wylis A, Danarsi Diptaningsari, Erliana Novitasari, Nandari D. Suretno, Meidaliyantisyah Meidaliyantisyah, Rahadian Mawardi, Erdiansyah Erdiansyah, Mala Agustiani
10.22146/kawistara.82505 Abstract views : 21 | views : 3
Adinda Deviana, Sri Rum Giyarsih, Dyah Rahmawati Hizbaron
10.22146/kawistara.80250 Abstract views : 15 | views : 3
Mizan Ikhlasul Rahman, Khairi Pahlevi
10.22146/kawistara.94168 Abstract views : 19 | views : 8
Desi Ayu Purwanti, Teddy Koerniadi
10.22146/kawistara.98294 Abstract views : 13 | views : 2