Mengeksplorasi Praktik Personal Digital Archiving (PDA) dalam Fenomena New Analog Photography di Instagram: Membangun Personal Branding, Pencarian Autentisitas dan Detoksifikasi Digital

Adhi Wirawan Dwi Pamungkas(1*)

(1) Badan Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif, Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif
(*) Corresponding Author


This article discusses the phenomenon of the rise of analog photography called new analog
photography on Instagram. Apart from discussing the phenomenon of new analog photography, this article also discusses the practice of personal digital archiving (PDA), which is applied to this phenomenon. Social media is a platform for storing personal digital archives, which has been done by all humans in the internet era and electronic devices have become an integral part of their lives. The method used in writing articles uses a qualitative case study approach. The aim of this article is to find the causes of the new analog photography phenomenon, namely the millennial generation and Gen Z who are very active on social media and have personal branding awareness. The exploration carried out by the millennial generation and Gen Z who have an interest in photography to search for the authenticity of digital presence images and rituals using analog cameras can be categorized as digital detoxification. The limitation of this article is that the number of respondents obtained in quantity is not yet representative. It is hoped that future research will be able to gather more respondents with more varied demographics to be able to map the distribution of this phenomenon. This article explains that photography, which is a form of visual archive, is related to the study of social, cultural and technological topics. So that it provides a new perspective for developing the field of archives, especially special-form archives.


autentisitas; detoksifikasi digital; new analog photography; personal branding; personal digital archiving (PDA)

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