Nilai Kosmologi pada Tata Spasial Permukiman Desa Kapencar, Lereng Gunung Sindoro, Wonosobo
VG Sri Rejeki(1*), Nindyo Soewarno(2), Sudaryono Sudaryono(3), T. Yoyok Wahyu Subroto(4)
(1) Jurusan Arsitektur FAD Unika Soegijapranata, Jl Pawiyatan Luhur VI/1, Semarang
(2) Dosen Jurusan Arsitektur dan Perencanaan FT UGM,Jl Grafika no 2 Yogyakarta
(3) Dosen Jurusan Arsitektur dan Perencanaan FT UGM,Jl Grafika no 2 Yogyakarta
(4) Dosen Jurusan Arsitektur dan Perencanaan FT UGM,Jl Grafika no 2 Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author
The Kapencar Village, as one of villages on the slope of Sumbing Mountain, has
cosmological concept of spatial setting. The phenomenological research, was done by the
researcher as own instrument, explored for finding the spatial cosmological value in the
Kapencar villages. Some results of the research are:1) The Kapencar Village as the Glondong
vilage, expresed the mon-copat concept, with the Kapencar village as the centre. 2) keblat
wetan as a cosmological concept. Wetan orientation as a symbol of the start of living or the
very previous time of people living. Two cosmological concepts of spatial setting expresed the
Kapencar Village has the grand cosmologycal concept in people lining, there is keblat papat
kalimo pancer (four orientations and the centre as the fifth oerintation).
Kata kunci : Cosmology; the slope of the mountain settlement; spatial setting
cosmological concept of spatial setting. The phenomenological research, was done by the
researcher as own instrument, explored for finding the spatial cosmological value in the
Kapencar villages. Some results of the research are:1) The Kapencar Village as the Glondong
vilage, expresed the mon-copat concept, with the Kapencar village as the centre. 2) keblat
wetan as a cosmological concept. Wetan orientation as a symbol of the start of living or the
very previous time of people living. Two cosmological concepts of spatial setting expresed the
Kapencar Village has the grand cosmologycal concept in people lining, there is keblat papat
kalimo pancer (four orientations and the centre as the fifth oerintation).
Kata kunci : Cosmology; the slope of the mountain settlement; spatial setting
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