Bagus Kurniawan(1*)
(1) Sastra Indonesia UNS Jln. Ir Sutami No 36-A Kentingan Surakarta
(*) Corresponding Author
Process of colonialism in a long archipelago led to a number of colonial domination colonizers against the
colonized. It can be seen in the classical Malay literature. Slightly, it is different from the concept of literature in the
modern sense, in the sense of classical Malay literature, including royal scripts as a literary work. Therefore, the local
royal scripts archipelago in the 18th century period 19th addressed to the colonial power are a classical Malay literature
to inform the colonial domination of the colonized people. As such, this paper outlines the dominance of colonial powers
against colonized peoples contained in the classical Malay literature, especially the royal letter. Royal scripts that serve as
the object of study in this paper is a letter sent Pontianak Royal Prince Syarif Abu Bakar Al Qadri to JF Walrave van
Nes, dated May 16, 1847. The script indicates the inequality relationship between the subjects with the object. Colonial
authorities have the power to regulate and dominate the native people. Relations between the Kingdom of Pontianak
with no colonial power relations that have the same bargaining power politics, and the Kingdom of Pontianak act as a
party dominated politically, and economically. Therefore, the Pontianak Kingdom of the letter will be analyzed through
postcolonial theory to see a picture of the condition of literary colonialism Kingdom of Pontianak in the 19th century.
Keywords: colonialism, domination, royal scripts, postcolonial
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