Fauziyah Kurniawati(1*), Muhammad Naufal Annabil(2)

(1) Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga
(2) Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga
(*) Corresponding Author


This research aims to describe the interpretation of love and spirituality text in the novel Layla by Candra Malik based on Jacques Derrida’s deconstruction analysis. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The data source is the novel Layla by Candra Malik. It collects the data using reading, note-taking, and interpretation techniques. The research result shows us that (a) the dominant binary opposition is found, namely that true love is love directed to Allah SWT, and the secondary, namely that the search for the main character's love in this novel focuses on a woman who he thinks is an angel on earth, implying an understanding of love that hasn’t been digested in hearts and minds of today’s modern humans thoroughly, (b) the postponement of absolute truth based on results of binary opposition is a changing of position from dominant to secondary, and (c) the paradoxical meaning is found through postponement of absolute truth indirectly, namely sometimes love plagued by human beings is just imagination, without knowing the love that comes is an intermediary so that his love for Allah is greater than all other kinds of love.


interpretation; love; spirituality; deconstruction theory; Layla

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