Rika Harini(1*)
(1) Gadjah Mada University
(*) Corresponding Author
The economically superior sectors are sectors with good prospect and they contribute to the local development. In other words, the sectors are those that win the competition with other sectors as clearly observed in its contribution to local income. This study aims to investigate the economically superior sectors and the participations level and the working productivity in Yogyakarta Special Regency. The study conducted by analyzing the secondary (time series) data obtained from Susenas and Sakernas. The descriptive analysis is using table and maping through model LQ (Location Quotient). The result shows that Sleman has 6 economically superior sectors while Gunung Kidul only has 3. A high participation level of women in the economically superior sectors is found in trading, hotel and restaurant sectors while the lowest participation level is found in mining sector (less than 1%).
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