The articles served on this page have been all reviewed properly according to the RUBIKON standards and policies and are accepted to be published in the upcoming issues. However, the articles have no particular publication date yet, until they are officially published on the website in a complete issue or volume.
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Vol 10, No 1 (2023)
1. Understanding Life and Death Meaning through the Character of Edna Pontelier in The Awakening by Kate Chopin
Elin Eprilin Fitrian Miela Putri
A character in a story has its own personality traits, therefore, the existence of one is significant to the plot. Some variables, such as genes and environment, impact the development of a character's personality. Though Psychological approach, the researcher examines the personality development of the main character of Edna Pontellier in Kate Chopin’s The Awakening. From analyzing the character development, the researcher finds that the character of Edna Pontellier has changed and developed from accepting of the life that she has to becoming rebellious in the search of her independence. Due to this, the point of view of life and death in the story is also changed. Somehow, Edna chooses death as a way to find happiness.
2. The Influence of America through Youth Culture: Representation Analysis on the Subculture of Punk in Indonesia
Yunia Dewi Fatmawati & Ida Rochani Adi
As globally sprung up, punk subculture is an evidence how American influence has been penetrated in many life facets, including through youth culture. Indonesia becomes one of many countries that accept and practice the subculture. The discussion of punk subculture in Indonesia can reveal the relation between both countries, in which America becomes the powerful party while Indonesia is the submissive ones. To find out American influence in the spread of punk subculture in Indonesia, Representation theory by Stuart Hall is applied in the research. The theory is used in observing punk community both of Indonesia and America in Instagram platforms, particularly some posts that containing of punk elements. By using qualitative method, the result of the research uncovers that Indonesia absorbs American punk elements in two ways: By assimilating it without adding other elements outside of punk and by integrating it to Indonesian context. Both ways show the submissiveness of Indonesia in absorbing the foreign subculture. Yet, especially for the latter, it shows how Indonesia still has a power of resistance in accepting punk subculture by still maintaining mother cultural elements in practicing it, and in the end, it adds a new different color in the global punk scene.
3. Constructing Identity among Chinese American through Jean Kwok Novels Mambo in Chinatown: Postcolonial Study
Melly Andani & Elin Eprilin Fitrian Miela Putri
This study aims to see how Chinese American people as immigrants in America construct their identity while facing two different cultures in society. This research is a descriptive qualitative study using a postcolonial approach. This study analyzed a novel by Mambo in Chinatown by Jean Kwok as the main data. Another document, journal, and author’s interview as the secondary data. Ambivalence by Homi K. Bhabha will be used as the main theory of this research. The main data is collected after the researcher goes through a close reading of the novel. The result of this study shows that ambivalence occurs throughout this novel. This study also highlights that the struggle of the character in the novel reflect the real life of Chinese American immigrant in America. Seen from their arrival in America and how the first-generation immigrants transfer Chinese culture and value to their children as the second-generation in America.
4. The Construction of President Donald Trump's Thoughts to End the Long War between America and the Taliban in Afghanistan
Muhammad Arif Ikhsanudin
The war between the US and the Taliban began after the 9/11 attacks in 2001. President Bush immediately sent US military troops to Afghanistan to capture the leader of the Al-Qaeda terrorist group, Osama bin Laden. It is known that Osama was sheltered by the Taliban in Afghanistan. Finally, during the President Barack Obama administration, Osama was successfully killed in 2011. The war between the US and the Taliban will continue until the leadership of President Donald Trump. Trump considers that the goals of this war have been realized, targeting Al-Qaida leaders and that nothing is profitable for the US in continuing the war. According to Trump's thinking, in 2020 there will be a peace agreement between the US and the Taliban. To answer this fact, this article will use constructivist theory to explain the construction of Bush's thoughts, the result of which is the United States' political policy towards the war in Afghanistan. Therefore, this journal will discuss the construction of Donald Trump's thoughts on ending the long war between the US and the Taliban. So that this paper can see how Trump's thought construction can end the war and what the real impact is for the US. From this, it can be concluded that the result of Trump's thought construction is to protect US citizens and interests in the economic and military fields.