Larval Density of Aedes spp. in Residential Areas of Singkil District, Manado City, Indonesia

Angle Maria Hasthee Sorisi(1*), Victor D Pijoh(2)
(1) Parasitology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Sam Ratulangi University, North Sulawesi, Indonesia.
(2) Parasitology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Sam Ratulangi University, North Sulawesi, Indonesia.
(*) Corresponding Author
Introduction: Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is one of the infectious diseases transmitted by Aedes sp. mosquitoes, and it remains a serious problem these days. Report from the Health Department of Manado city revealed that the Singkil District is an endemic area of DHF. Singkil District is one of the Districts of Manado City, which has nine sub-districts. According to the data from Manado City’s Health Department, in Singkil District, there were 43 cases of DHF in 2013, 57 cases in 2014, and 13 cases in 2015. The data of the vector’s larval density is needed for the prevention and control of DHF.
Objectives: This study’s aim is to investigate the larval density of Aedes sp in Singkil District, Manado City, North Sulawesi.
Methods: This is a descriptive survey study. Study samples were Aedes sp. mosquito larvae in the residential areas in Singkil District. Secondary data of DHF cases in Singkil District and then a survey of larval density was conducted (HI, CI, BI, LFI).
Results: Based on the survey of 100 houses, the House Index (HI) was 43%, the Container index (CI) was 20%, the Breteau index was 50, and the Larva Free Index was 57 %.
Conclusion: According to these findings, the Density Figure (DF) from table 1 is 6, which shows that the density of larva in Singkil District was high.
Keywords: DHF, larval density, Aedes sp.
Pendahuluan: Penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) merupakan salah satu penyakit menular yang ditularkan vektor nyamuk Aedes sp. yang sampai saat ini masih merupakan masalah kesehatan yang serius. Laporan Dinas Kesehatan Kota Manado, kecamatan Singkil termasuk daerah endemis DBD. Kecamatan Singkil adalah salah satu kecamatan di Kota Manado yang terdiri dari 9 kelurahan. Menurut data Dinas Kesehatan kota Manado, pada tahun 2013 ditemukan 43 kasus DBD, tahun 2014 ditemukan 57 kasus DBD, dan tahun 2015 ditemukan 13 kasus DBD. Pengetahuan tentang kepadatan vektor nyamuk Aedes sp. diperlukan sebagai upaya pencegahan dan penanggulangan DBD.
Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui kepadatan jentik nyamuk Aedes spp. di Kecamatan Singkil Kota Manado, Sulawesi Utara.
Metode: Jenis penelitian survey deskriptif. Sampel penelitian adalah jentik nyamuk Aedes sp yang ada di lingkungan pemukiman di Kecamatan Singkil. Data sekunder penderita DBD Kecamatan Singkil setempat Tahun 2016 dan selanjutnya dilakukan survey kepadatan jentik nyamuk(HI, CI,BI,ABJ).
Hasil: Dari hasil survey terhadap 100 rumah, di dapat nilai House Index (HI) sebesar 43%, Container index (CI) 20%, Breteau index 50, Angka bebas jentik (ABJ) 57 %.
Simpulan: Sehingga dari nilai-nilai tersebut didapatkan nilai Kepadatan populasi jentik nyamuk atau Density Figure (DF) dari tabel 1 adalah 6 yang menunjukkan bahwa kepadatan jentik nyamuk di kecamatan Singkil termasuk kepadatan tinggi.
Kata kunci : DBD, kepadatan jentik Aedes sp.
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