Knowledge, Attitude and Practice on Dengue Fever Transmission Among Urban and Periurban Residents of Dhaka City, Bangladesh

Muhammad Sohel Rana(1*), Mohammad Syaket Ahmed Shakil(2)

(2) Student of Public health, North South University, Bangladesh.
(*) Corresponding Author



Introduction: Dengue is one of the most important emerging viral diseases of major public health concern in Bangladesh.

Objectives: The purpose of this study is to assess the level of knowledge, attitude and practice on dengue fever transmission and prevention among the residents of Dhaka city, Bangladesh.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was done among three hundred and forty three randomly selected residents of urban and periurban regions of Dhaka city in November in 2012 using a pretested and self administered questionnaire.  Data was analyzed by a Chi square test and p value less than 0.05 is considered as significant.

Results: The study found that among the respondents 63.3% were female, 48% were married and 37.7% were of age group of 21-30 (mean=31.34, SD=11.758). Majority of the respondents had secondary/higher secondary (50.9%) and students represented 34.1% of the total respondents. It was found most of them had no history of having affected from dengue fever (97.7%) and 53.2% did not travel to the subtropical or tropical region. Television (61.2%) and radio (50.4) were most common source of information of dengue fever. Majority of the respondents had low level of knowledge on dengue (89.1%). It was found that 81% knew that mosquitoes generally lay their eggs on dirty water, 79.6% knew mosquitoes spread dengue from one person to another and 70.6% were aware that dengue can fever is flu like illness that affects infants, young, children and adults. The study revealed 50.1% had neutral attitude towards dengue fever, and there was significant association between age and practice (p=0.031); knowledge and practice (p<0.000) and also attitude and practice (p<0.000). 

Conclusion: There is a different level of knowledge regarding dengue fever among respondents in the study area. Public awareness is necessary to address the knowledge gap revealed by this study. Hence it is necessary to organize the public education program to prevent the people from the outbreak of dengue by increasing level of Knowledge so that they can attain positive attitude and adopt desired behavioral changes.

Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, Practice, Dengue Fever, Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, Dengue Shock Syndrome.


Knowledge, Attitude, Practice, Dengue Fever, Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, Dengue Shock Syndrome.


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