Editorial Team
Ahmad Maryudi
He obtained a PhD in Forest Policy Development from Forest and Nature Conservation Policy of University Göttingen (Germany). He is currently Full Professor of Forest Policy and Governance at Universitas Gadjah Mada/ UGM (Indonesia). His research interests include forest policy analysis, forest governance, community forestry policy & land use policy in Indonesia. For 4 consecutive years (2020-2023), he has been listed among the World’s Top 2% Scientists according to researchers from Stanford University.
Rodd Myers
He has a PhD from University of East Anglia (UK), School of International Development. He is currently serving as Managing Director and Co-Founder of Dala Institute. His research interests include local-global environmental justice issues around forest-based natural resources, global social and environmental regimes, forest-agriculture land-use change, neocolonial power relations, decolonisation and degrowth, political ecologies of natural resource global production networks, and land tenure security. He also has various research that employs mixed-methods in both agricultural and forest-based land-use systems, focusing interactions between people and nature.

Md. Saifur Rahman
He is currently working at Technical University of Dresden, Germany as a Visiting Researcher. He is holding the prestigious Alexander von-Humboldt Post doctoral Fellowship. His major field of research is forest and climate change policy, development policy analysis, public administration and development, natural resource management, bureaucratic politics, power.
Rini Astuti
She obtained a PhD in Geography Studies at Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand). Her research focuses on resource governance in Indonesia, including on climate change mitigation and adaptation policies. Her current research is on haze-producing biomass fires and an emerging framework for peatland and forest governance in Indonesia. The research draws from a political ecology perspective that problematized the implications of neoliberal environmental governance for different actors across multiple scales in Indonesia, including local and indigenous communities.
Micah R. Fisher
He is currently serving as a fellow in the Research Program at the East-West Center (USA). He coordinates and leads research initiatives on environment and society in the Asia-Pacific region, with a focus on forestry. A core area of his research has focused on public participation and engagement, specifically through initiatives such as multi-stakeholder collaboration, adaptive collaborative management, participatory action research, and environmental conflict resolution. He also has various experience in stakeholder mapping involving governments, NGOs, and academics. He has a PhD in Geography and Environment and a Master’s in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Hawai‘i, and is a faculty member of the program for peace and conflict resolution, teaching courses on facilitation and mediation
Muhammad Alif K. Sahide
He is currently a Full Professor in Faculty of Forestry of Universitas Hasanuddin (Indonesia). He holds a PhD in Forest Policy from Goettingen University (Germany). His research core areas include forest and land use governance, international regimes, institutions, community forestry, and bureaucratic politics, science co-production, and community forestry. He is also supervising two Sulawesi-based Community Service Organizations (CSOs): i.e., BALANG that works for village forest in Bantaeng District and customary forest in Bulukumba District and TLKM that works for social forestry and community-based rattan management.
Dwi Laraswati
Associate Editor
She holds PhD in forest policy and governance from the Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Gadjah Mada. She is currently serving as post post-doctoral researcher at Sebijak Institute (the Research Center for Forestry Policy and History Studies) of the faculty. Her research interests include forest and environmental governance, non-state actors in the policy-making process, discouraged communities, and community-based forest/natural resources management.
Prof Dr Kazuhiro Harada
Lab. of Forest Resources and Society - Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University, Japan
Prof Dr Digby H. Race
Land Management & Development – School of Business and Management, University of the South Pacific, Fiji
Ass Prof Jiacheng Zhao
School of Public Administration, Central South University, China
Dr Richard Fischer
The Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute - Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries, Germany
Prof Dr Emmanuel N Acheampong
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology, Kumasi, Ghana
Danis Syahroni
Sebijak Institute, Faculty Of Forestry UGM
Ni Nyoman Bintarin Milenia
Sebijak Institute, Faculty of Forestry UGM