Physicochemical evaluation and delayed aging activity of the cream containing aloe vera and rosella extracts
Anti-aging cream is a cosmetic product that prevents premature aging. Aloe vera and rosella have been reported to exhibit various pharmacological activities, including anti-aging. Meanwhile, the use of a combination of these two natural products has not been widely reported. This research aims to determine the potential antioxidant and anti-collagenase activities of the combination of aloe vera and rosella in cream products. This study analyzed the quality of cream according to physical parameters, cream chemical content, antioxidant activity, anti-collagenase, and sunscreen protection factor (SPF) test of cream products. The cream formulas had white to pink colors, were semi-solid, homogeneous, and had an O/W emulsion type. Total polysaccharide content in the cream ranged from 0.73% - 0.83%, o-acetyl polysaccharide content ranged from 1.36%-3.53%, flavonoid content ranged from 2.95×10-6-6.50×10-6 g QE/g, anthocyanin content ranged from 4.57-35.94 mg/kg, phenolic content ranged from 5.06×10-6-9.42×10-6 g GAE/g. The radical scavenging, anti-collagenase activities, and SPF value of cream formulas ranged from 22.14%-50.36%, 6.85%-54.66%, and 8.21±0.01-8.73±0.02, respectively. According to all test results, the recommended cream product is C formula (1:1). Cream containing aloe vera gel and rosella flower extracts are potentially to be developed as anti-aging cream product.
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