
All submissions to JAMADEV journals undergo a stringent review process, employing a single-blind approach where reviewers remain anonymous to authors, while being aware of the authors' identities. The standard peer review procedure is outlined as follows:

- JAMADEV editors review all submissions to ensure they align with the requirements of JAMADEV journals, encompassing English composition, scientific values, and ethical considerations.

- Submissions are then assigned to a handling editor, who invites referees to review the manuscript.

- Following the receipt of conclusive referees' reports, the editor makes the initial decision on the manuscript, categorizing it as Acceptance, Revision, or Rejection.

- After receiving a revision accompanied by documented explanations, the editor, in consultation with referees, makes the final decision on the manuscript. Acceptance is granted only when detailed and conclusive reports confirm the manuscript's value and contribution to the respective fields.

- For submissions from Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editors, Guest Editors, and other journal Board members, confidentiality is maintained by assigning the paper to a different team member.

- In the case of submissions to Special Issues with conflicts of interest between Guest Editors and authors, another Editorial Board member manages the peer review process and makes the acceptance or rejection decision after peer review.

- Papers accepted by Guest Editors of Special Issues are overseen by the Editor-in-Chief or an Editorial Board member in the relevant field.

JAMADEV employs a systematic and streamlined review report form (template) to ensure a focused assessment of both the scientific content and presentation of the manuscript. Reviewers are encouraged to provide constructive comments for enhancing the manuscript's quality, ensuring a fair, prompt, comprehensive, and comparable evaluation.

JAMADEV is committed to maintaining the highest standards of publication ethics, taking publication malpractice and conflicts of interest seriously. Authors, JAMADEV editors, and referees are all obligated to disclose any conflicts of interest.

The reviewing process is treated as strictly confidential, and reviewers are prohibited from exploiting any confidential information gained during the review process before the manuscript is published. JAMADEV emphasizes that an efficient editorial process leading to timely publication provides valuable service to both authors and the scientific community, constituting a value-added editorial process.