Demand For Soybean Of Tofu Small Scale And Home Industries And Their Feasibility In The District Of Semarang

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Rizki Wulandari


Semarang Regency is a center of tofu production using soybean as the raw material. This study aims to: (1) determine soybean suppliers on home industries and small tofu industries in Semarang Regency, (2) the factors that affect the demand for soybean on home industries and small tofu industries in Semarang Regency, (3) the elasticity of demand for soybean on home and small tofu industries in Semarang Regency, and (4) the feasibility of home and small tofu industries in Semarang Regency. The method used in this research is descriptive-analytical method. This research was conducted in Semarang Regency in 2019, and the samples were taken purposively 30 tofu industry as respondents. Soybean suppliers of home industries and small tofu industries were analyzed by using table analysis, factors that affect demand for soybean on home industries and small tofu industries and the elasticity of demand for soybean were analyzed using linear regression analysis, while the feasibility of home industries and small tofu industries calculated using BEP, R/C, and π/C analysis. The results showed that soybean suppliers of home industries and small tofu industries in Semarang Regency are traders at Babadan Market and Bawen Market also shop traders in East Ungaran District, West Ungaran District, Bawen District, and Semarang City. Then, demand for soybean is affected by tofu prices, labor costs, cooking recipes, and demand for tofu. The study shows that the price elasticity of soybean demand is inelastic. The BEP, R/C, and π/C show that home industries and small tofu industries in Semarang Regency are feasible to operate.

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Wulandari, R., Masyhuri, & Irham. (2022). Demand For Soybean Of Tofu Small Scale And Home Industries And Their Feasibility In The District Of Semarang. Journal of Agribusiness Management and Development, 3(2), 13-20. Diambil dari