Public Opinion On Agrotourism Of Nglinggo Tea Gardens In Pagerharjo Village, Kulon Progo

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Sunarru Samsi Hariadi
Mesalia Kriska


Agrotourism is a way of combination between agriculture and tourism package, in the purpose to attract more visitors. An agrotourism needs opinions from the public tourists regarding the perception of conditions, facilities and services. It is an important aspect to put as a consideration in taking the policy for future agrotourism development. This research was carried out in the agrotourism of the Nglinggo Tea Gardens in Pagerharjo Village, Samigaluh Subdistrict, Kulon Progo Regency. The aims of this research are (1) to identify public opinion about the agritourism of Nglinggo Tea Gardens and (2) to analyze the factors influencing the public opinion. The method uses a quantitative method with a descriptive approach. The samples of this research apply systematic random sampling, while the number of samples is 60 respondents. The results show that public opinion on agritourism of Nglinggo Tea Gardens is 73.56%, meaning the public opinion about Nglinggo was good. Then, public opinion is significantly influenced by the level of education of the visitors, the place of origin of the visitors, and social media.

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Fatmawati, Hariadi, S. S., & Kriska, M. (2023). Public Opinion On Agrotourism Of Nglinggo Tea Gardens In Pagerharjo Village, Kulon Progo . Journal of Agribusiness Management and Development, 3(1), 53-57. Diambil dari