Willingness To Donate For Conservation At Mossy Forest, Cameron Highlands

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Al-Arif Abdul Rahim
Farahani Jamlus
Nitanan Koshy Matthew


Socio-economic study was conducted at Mossy Forest, Cameron Highlands regarding the willingness to donate among the visitors who have visited the place. Four bidding values (RM3, RM5, RM7, and RM9) were given according to sets of questions. The objectives of this study are to identify the socio-demographic and characteristics of the visits of visitors; to determine the level of environmental awareness and attitude of visitors and to determine the willingness to donate by the visitor in Tanah Rata for the conservation of Mossy Forest in Cameron Highlands. From the finding, majority of the visitors (68) that were interviewed was first-time coming to Mossy Forest and the majority (97) would like to visit again. From the interview session, 82 of them are willing to donate to the nature conservation of Mossy Forest. For regression between willing to donate and bid, the relation shows negative interaction (inversely proportional) where the bidding value increase, the willingness to donate decreased.

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Rahim, A.-A. A., Jamlus, F., & Matthew, N. K. (2022). Willingness To Donate For Conservation At Mossy Forest, Cameron Highlands. Journal of Agribusiness Management and Development, 3(2), 1-12. Diambil dari https://journal.ugm.ac.id/v3/JAMADEV/article/view/2228