Food Security of The Shallot Farmer Households in The District of Wanasari, Brebes Regency

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Mutia Alfi Hidayatin
Pinjung Nawang Sari
Any Suryantini


Food security exists when all people have physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs. This research aims to determine: (1) the level of the share of farm household food expenditure, (2) the level of energy sufficiency, (3) food security conditions, and (4) the factors that affect the level of the share of farm household food expenditure in the district of Wanasari Brebes Regency. Household food security conditions can be detected through Jonsson and Toole's cross-classification, and factors affecting the share of food expenditure can be determined by multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that shallots farm households in the district of Wanasari have a share of food expenditure were categorized as low (43.13%), and the value of energy sufficiency was categorized enough (96.11%). Households that are classified as food secure are 66.67%. Factors that affect the share of farm household food expenditure in the district of Wanasari are household income, number of family members, price of rice, and tempeh price.

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Hidayatin, M. A., Sari, P. N., & Suryantini, A. (2021). Food Security of The Shallot Farmer Households in The District of Wanasari, Brebes Regency. Journal of Agribusiness Management and Development, 2(1), 18-24. Diambil dari