Push-Pull Determinants of Livelihood Diversification among Rural Dwellers in Oil-Polluted Communities in Niger Delta, Nigeria



How to Cite

Onuoha, O. C. (2024). Push-Pull Determinants of Livelihood Diversification among Rural Dwellers in Oil-Polluted Communities in Niger Delta, Nigeria. Journal of Social Development Studies, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.22146/jsds.11097



Diversifikasi mata pencaharian memungkinkan rumah tangga untuk berpartisipasi dalam berbagai kegiatan untuk memperluas sumber pendapatan. Penelitian ini mengkaji faktor-faktor penentu (dorongan dan tarikan) diversifikasi mata pencaharian di kalangan masyarakat miskin pedesaan di komunitas Delta Niger yang tercemar minyak. Data primer digunakan untuk penelitian ini dengan menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur dari 320 kepala rumah tangga yang terkena dampak langsung tumpahan minyak di lahan Ogoni. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis menggunakan standar deviasi, mean, dan uji sampel berpasangan. Studi ini mengungkapkan bahwa faktor pendorong merupakan motivasi yang kuat untuk melakukan diversifikasi karena tumpahan minyak di wilayah tersebut cukup menimbulkan tekanan dan memerlukan diversifikasi. Namun, beberapa rumah tangga termotivasi oleh faktor penarik berdasarkan keterampilan yang tersedia untuk mengeksplorasi kegiatan di luar pertanian dan non-pertanian. Direkomendasikan agar inisiatif pelatihan yang bertujuan untuk membekali penduduk pedesaan di daerah yang tercemar minyak dengan keterampilan yang dapat diterapkan pada pekerjaan non-pertanian harus dilaksanakan secara konsisten.

Kata kunci: Mata Pencaharian, Diversifikasi, Pedesaan, Penentu


Livelihood diversification enables households to participate in multiple activities to widen income sources. This research examined the determinants (push and pull) of livelihood diversification among the rural poor in oil-polluted communities of the Niger Delta. Primary data were used for the study using a well-structured questionnaire from 320 household heads who had a direct impact by the oil spill in Ogoni land. The data collected were analyzed using standard deviation, mean and paired sample tests. The study revealed that the push factors were strong motivation for diversification as the oil spillage in the area was enough distress and necessitated the diversification. However, some households were motivated by pull factors based on available skills to explore off-farm and non-farm activities. It is recommended that training initiatives aimed at equipping rural residents of oil-polluted areas with skills applicable to non-farm occupations should be consistently carried out.

Keywords: Livelihood, Diversification, Rural, Determinants



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