A Informal Sector Self-Employed Workers’ Old Age Pension Scheme in Retail Sector in Zimbabwe


retail informal sector old-age pension scheme
social security
Informal Sector

How to Cite

Makochekanwa, A., Cheure, C., Chundu, M., & Mavodyo, E. (2024). A Informal Sector Self-Employed Workers’ Old Age Pension Scheme in Retail Sector in Zimbabwe. Journal of Social Development Studies, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.22146/jsds.12026


The high incidence of informality in Zimbabwe implies that a large proportion of the adult population does not have access to contributory pension schemes during their working lives, rendering them ineligible for old-age pensions. The primary goal of this research is to develop a pragmatic informal retail sector noncontributory old-age pension scheme in Zimbabwe. The study drew empirical evidence from a comprehensive countrywide study using mixed-methods research. The study concluded that several factors, including the respondents' demographic characteristics, are important considerations in developing an effective non-contributory old-age informal sector pension scheme. Based on the study's findings, the study proposes alternative non-contributory old-age informal sector pension schemes, such as financing the non-contributory old-age social pension, determining the monthly amount of a non-contributory old-age pension, and gradually covering a non-contributory old-age pension gap. The study recommends the introduction of a non-contributory informal sector retirement pension fully funded by the government.

Keywords: retail informal sector old-age pension scheme; social security; informal sector; Zimbabwe.



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