How Algorithm Improves Mindreading Capacity?

  • Rr. Yudiswara Ayu Permatasari Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Nadia Elasalama Fakultas Filsafat Universitas Gadjah Mada


The digital era has brought humans to a change in life culture that demands to always adapt. Changes in lifestyle and life needs are closely related to business development efforts. Algortima is used as one of the tools used to make it easier for entrepreneurs to understand consumer desires and market opportunities to be achieved. Algorithms are able to provide an overview of the expression or psychological reality as well as the habits of the market or product users. Therefore, entrepreneurs use algorithms as a tool to predict and read the thinking of the market. This is in line with human abilities in the cognitive realm, so it is closely associated with mindreading or the ability of humans to understand the thoughts and perspectives of others. This is considered to be able to make it easier for entrepreneurs to develop creativity in their products. The author hypothesizes that algorithms can be a human tool in expanding cognitive abilities through algorithms to increase creativity. The method used in this article is a literature review to answer philosophical questions, including: (1) The impact of mindreading on creativity, (2) Algorithms as prototypes of mindreading, (3) Mindreading capacity which is sometimes considered less qualified. Algorithms as a mindreading simulation process play an important role in helping humans sexually read minds better and increase creativity. The abundance of data allows us to carry out a more comprehensive and simultaneous mind-reading process. This synergy between human cognition and algorithmic support opens up new avenues for innovation and problem-solving, leading to more creative and successful endeavors in entrepreneurship, marketing, and beyond.
