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Research article

Vol 15 No 1 (2021): Volume 15, Number 1, 2021

Evaluasi aspek teknis dan lingkungan instalasi pengolahan air limbah (IPAL) komunal di Kabupaten Sleman Yogyakarta

November 19, 2023
June 30, 2021


As the producer of waste (both in solid form and wastewater), the increase of population creates a dominant effect on environmental problems. Escalation of the amount of domestic wastewater has led to greater sanitation problems. Indonesian government has carried out several programs for improving sanitation access and facilities. Community-based wastewater treatment plant (Communal WWTP) is one of the priority programs. Sleman Regency in Special Province of Yogyakarta owns 131 communal WWTP, where the oldest one had been built in 2006 while the newest one was installed in 2018. In this study, the techno-environmental assessment of communal WWTP in the District of Sleman, Yogyakarta was carried out. Sampling selection of communal WWTPs was undertaken using Stratified Random Sampling techniques. Data collection was executed by a combination of field surveys and in depth-interview of several relevant personnel. The study was done for 30 communal WTTP in various Districts in Sleman regency. Assessment was carried out based on the Likert scale of 4. The results showed that the average score for environment aspect was 2.94 (good), while that for technical aspect was 3.52 (very good). Overall, the techno-environmental score of communal WWTP in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta was 3.23 out of 4, which was categorized as good.


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