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The office of Jurnal Rekayasa Proses is located at Jl. Grafika No. 2, Department of Chemical Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 55281.

General inquiries related to a submission, help with submitting an article, or using the website can be made via email at jurnal.rekpros@ugm.ac.id, or by phone at (+62)2746492171. For specific inquiries, see below.

Kontak Utama

Ade Kurniawan, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D.
Department of Chemical Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 55281
Telepon +628112643599

Kontak Dukungan

Office of Jurnal Rekayasa Proses