Analysis of Dump Truck Diesel Engine Flywheel Housing Fracture Based on Physical Properties and Mechanical Materials

  • Yanuwar Ilpan Pramono Departemen Teknik Mesin, Sekolah Vokasi UGM
  • Radhian Krisnaputra Departemen Teknik Mesin, Sekolah Vokasi UGM
  • Lilik Dwi Setyana Departemen Teknik Mesin, Sekolah Vokasi UGM
  • I. Aris Hendaryanto Departemen Teknik Mesin, Sekolah Vokasi UGM


This research aims to identify the causes of material failure in the flywheel housing of diesel engines used in dump trucks in corporate sectors such as mining, plantations and infrastructure in Indonesia. Through mechanical testing which includes visual observations, tensile, impact and hardness tests, as well as microstructural observations and chemical composition analysis, this research found that the flywheel housing material has brittle properties. The test results show the highest tensile strength of 23.021 MPa, the average impact value of 0.0417 J/mm2, and the average hardness value of 106.708 VHN. The microstructure of the flywheel housing material is dominated by the Al-Si alloy element, which makes the material tend to be brittle. Several factors that can cause cracks in the flywheel housing include the work environment, material properties, lack of maintenance, and operational errors.

How to Cite
Pramono, Y. I., Krisnaputra, R., Setyana, L. D., & Hendaryanto, I. A. (2024). Analysis of Dump Truck Diesel Engine Flywheel Housing Fracture Based on Physical Properties and Mechanical Materials. Jurnal Teknologi Dan Rekayasa Alat Berat, 1(1), 19-24.