Menginspirasi Kesehatan Generasi Muda melalui Posyandu Remaja
Adolescence is a critical phase of life characterised by rapid physical, emotional, and psychological changes. Posyandu Remaja, a community-based health program tailored for adolescents, has gained attention for its potential to address various health issues during this pivotal period. This article aims to provide an overview of the consistent implementation of Posyandu Remaja in Tempel and Wedung Villages, Demak, Central Java, shedding light on adolescent health in the area. This is an interesting topic because not all regions in Indonesia have implemented Posyandu Remaja. Data collection techniques were carried out through qualitative interviews with midwives from each village regarding Posyandu Remaja and also health checks such as anthropometric, blood pressure and HB (hemoglobin) examinations as part of Posyandu Remaja activities and to provide an overview of adolescent health in the area. The interviews delved into the midwives' perspectives regarding the program's impact, strengths, challenges, and areas for improvement. Observation of health issues and evaluation of Posyandu Remaja in each village also have been carried out during community service activities through health interventions by KKN PPM UGM JT-133 team. The findings highlight the significant role of Posyandu Remaja in raising health awareness among adolescents. Posyandu Remaja serves as a valuable platform for enhancing adolescent health knowledge, fostering positive behavioural changes, and creating a supportive community environment for adolescents. To maximise its impact, activities in Posyandu Remaja are made varied. In addition to health examination or health education, activities that enhance soft skills or artistic skills among adolescents have been conducted. Thus, the adolescents can develop their self-confidence, proficiency, and are physically and mentally healthy. The holistic approach of Posyandu Remaja demonstrates its potential to shape a healthier and more informed younger generation, laying the foundation for improved overall public health in the long term.
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