Manusia Bijaksana Menurut Taoisme

Joko Pitoyo(1*)

(1) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author


Tao’s view about reality is monistic: the universe comes from
Tao, is absorbed by Tao, and ultimatelly united in Tao. Tao is the
basic principle of reality. Everything exiss naturally,
spontaneously, without planning, without willing. Human beings
exist from Tao and get Te from Tao. They are not superior to other
beings. All beings are principally equal difference is just
functionally. Like other beings, human being are part of the
universe. The their prudence man tries always in harmony with the
univers so as to unite to it. He tries to live narurally. Everything
flows in accordance with pure nature as expression of  Te  to come
back to Tao again. Tao calls human beings to come back to nature,
to become human.


Tao, Te, basic principles of reality, nature, humanity.

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