Pluralisme Pancasila
Arqom Kuswanjono(1*)
(*) Corresponding Author
the same time, someone can accept and refuse pluralism according
to that meaning. Secular humanism argues that there is no an
Absolute Truth, because the truth is depend on human. The truth is
subjective and relative, so unity just can be built by secularism.
Global theology offers a new theology that is global theology to
unite the difference religions. Syncretism selected and mixed
religions become a new religion. Perennial Philosophy tries to find
meeting is understood as a framework of interaction in which
groups show point of religions in the esoteric area. In the social
sciences, pluralism sufficient respect and tolerance of each other,
that they fruitfully coexist and interact without conflict or assimilation.
Pluralism as theory is a social construction. Indonesian can construct
pluralism base on the values of Pancasila that are Goddess,
humanity, unity, democracy and justice.
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