An Inquiry Into Human Dignity According to George Kateb

Michael Reskiantio Pabubung(1*)

(1) Universitas Atma Jaya, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


Discrimination, slavery, and violence have always been distinctive colors in the painting of human history. There have been men or groups feeling greater than others. There have been unending oppressions among the human species. When confronted with these cases, most immediately think of human rights. On another side of human history, there has also been environmental detriment caused by uncontrolled human expansion. It is oppression among men and ‘vertical suppression’ of inter-species. The main actors are humans. This phenomenon leads to a fundamental question about our actual Being (ὄντος). In the name of human dignity, George Kateb raises it in two fundamental concepts: human status and human stature. A philosopher should be able to examine human dignity as fundamental to human rights. Human dignity is human’s actual Being as [a] Being of human rights. This essay uses qualitative methods through literature research to examine human dignity ontologically, based on the primary sources of George Kateb, namely the palpable distinction between human status and human stature. While providing technological and natural phenomena, this paper gives a contextualization of existential human dignity from George Kateb’s ontological perspective.


Equality, Existential, Human Stature, Human Status, Steward Of Nature

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