Peran Resiliensi dan Iklim Organisasi terhadap Work Engagement
demand for the heavy equipment industry sector. One of the effort to keep the company
survive to face the challenge is improving the quality of production. This essential effort can be
achieved by enhancing work engagement. This study aims to determine the role of resilience
and organizational climate on work engagement. The hypothesis of this study was: resilience
and organizational climat simultaneously predict the work engagement. The subjects for this
research were 63 employees in PT. Komatsu Indonesia. The instrument in collecting the data
was a questionnaire. The result of the multiple regression shows that this study’s hypothesis is
rejected. Resilience and organizational climate cannot simultaneously predict the work
engagement. Resilience can significantly predict work engagement by p=0.004 (p<0.05), but
organizational climate cannot significantly predict it as seen in p=0.235 (p>0.05).
DOI: 10.22146/gamajop.31868
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