Perilaku Menolong Relawan Spontan Bencana Alam
led a lot of volunteers who want to help the survivor. Many of volunteers joined the social
community or formal organization, but many of them do not belong to any social community
or organization and does not have the ability to handle the condition of natural disaster still
help the victims. These individuals referred as spontaneous volunteers. The aim of this study
is to determine the helping behavior conducted by spontaneous volunteers. The approach
used in this study is qualitative specifically phenomenology. Data was collected by a semi-
structured in-depth interview. Informants of this study consisted of three individuals, two of
them was volunteered when the eruption of Mount Merapi occurred in 2010, and the other
one was volunteered in Banjarnegara’s landslide in 2014. Result showed that there are
changes of helping behavior from spontaneous to formal planned form of helping. There are
also several factors that encourage or inhibit their helping behavior.
DOI: 10.22146/gamajop.31871
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