Strategi Mempertahankan Hubungan Pertemanan Lawan Jenis pada Dewasa Muda
Cross-sex friendship is often regarded as a romantic relationship. The lack of
social norms that managed these relationships in society makes the individuals dealing
with the challenge of maintaining relationships. Young adults become one of the
categories that face this challenge because at this time the relationship between men and
women is more prominent than the other phases. Based on his romantic intentions, cross-
sex friendship is divided into four types, strictly platonic, mutual romance, rejects
romance, and desires romance. This research was conducted to find out the challenges
faced in cross-sex friendship and strategy to maintain the relationship. This research uses
qualitative method with phenomenology approach. Methods of data collection used in
this study are semi-structured interviews and observation. The study's informants
consisted of four people or two pairs of young adults who are in cross-sex friendship.
Research shows that individual differences in seeing the friendship of the opposite sex
cause different challenges and strategies to maintain cross-sex friendships.
DOI: 10.22146/gamajop.36946
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