Kecerdasan Emosional dan Kualitas Hubungan Persahabatan
This study aimed to determine whether there is any correlation between emotional intelligence and the quality of friendship relations in adolescence. The initial presumption put forward in this study is there is a positive correlation between emotional intelligence and the quality of friendship relations in adolescence. This study took 162 high school students aged 15-17 years. Two scales used in this study are the Emotional Intelligence Scale and Friendship Relations Quality. Data analysis method used in this study is Pearson product moment correlation analysis using computer program SPSS. The result indicate r = 0,532 and p = 0.000 or p < 0.01. This result shows that the initial presumption of this study is accepted, which means there is a positive correlation between emotional intelligence and the quality of friendship relations in adolescents with social skills as the most influential aspect to the quality of friendship relations.
DOI: 10.22146/gamajop.43440
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