Perilaku Menyalip
Traffic accidents due to overtaking other vehicles can cause serious injuries and even death. This research attempted to explain the effect of spatial cognition in driver when decided to overtake by investigating the character (risk- taking and risk averse), visual types (fast and slow) and motorcycle types (manual, matic, and motor bebek). Twenty three people participated in the study. Participants conducted simulation on Psychopy. Three-way Anova was executed and resulted in 1) As predict with theory, risk taking subject more faster than risk averse (F = 8.083, p = 0.005). 2) There was significantly different effect among visual types (F = 16.459, p = 7.45e-05). 3) Interaction effect significant at factor character and visual types (F = 6.881, p=0.009). 4) Main interaction effect yield the same result (F = 7.774, p = 0.005). Average probabilities road accident naturally increased paralel with frequent intention to overtake. Moreover, high chance to overtake allegedly come with individu with character risk taking, fast visual search and driving bebek type of motor cycle.
DOI: 10.22146/gamajop.46363
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