Pelatihan Teknik Asertivitas untuk Meningkatkan Self-Esteem Korban Bullying
training to improve bullying victims’ self-esteem. This study was a quasi experiment with
untreated control group with pre-test and double post-test design. The data were
collected by using adaptation instrument of Peer Interactions in Primary School (PIPS)
Questionnaire, assertiveness scale, and self-esteem scale. The subjects were 18 students in
4 th -5 th grade who are indicated as bullying victims and have self-esteem scores categorized
in low to moderate levels (8 students in experimental group and 10 students in control
group). The result of the Mann Whitney U test showed that there was no difference in
self-esteem scores between the experimental and control group during the pretest (p >
0.05). After being treated, the differences in self-esteem scores were significant with Z = -
3.113; p = 0.002 (p < 0,01) between the experimental group and control group, in which the
mean score of self-esteem in the experimental group was higher than the control group
DOI: 10.22146/gamajpp.32313
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