Validasi Program Remaja “STOP” (Sadar, Tolong, dan Perangi) Bullying untuk Mengurangi Intensi Perilaku Bullying pada Siswa SMP
literatures mention that bullying behavior in school is supported by peers. This study
aims to validate the program Remaja “STOP” (Sadar, Tolong, dan Perangi) Bullying to
prevent and reduce the bullying intention students through peers. Peer facilitators is 19
students who never involve bullying behavor, brave to defend and support the victims,
have a good communication skills and self confidence. While the subject of this research
is 32 students that getting middle score on Intention Bullying Behavior Scale. Validation
test is used before conducted the research. This study used untreated control group
design with pretest and double postest as design experiment. The collected data was
analyzed with anava mixed design showed that Remaja “STOP” (Sadar, Tolong, dan
Perangi) Bullying program is valid to improve a fasilitator peer’s antibullying
knowledge and presentation skill. Also, this program is valid tu decrease the intention of
bullying among middle school students.
DOI: 10.22146/gamajpp.33359
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