Pengaruh Impulsivitas dan Media Komunikasi terhadap Perbedaan Partisipasi Diskusi Online

Irma Suhartini, Fathul Himam
(Submitted 28 May 2019)
(Published 29 May 2019)


This study aims to determine the effect of impulsivity and computer-mediated communication on differences in online participation. This research is an experimental research with Posttest only design. Participants involved in this study were students with an age range of 17-22 years, totaling 30 participants. Participants will be divided into two groups namely using the computer-mediated communication real name (CMR) and computer-mediated communication anonymously (CMA), each group consists of 15 participants. This study used Barrat Impulsive Scale (BIS) 11 to determine participants' impulsivity. Data analysis in this study used Two-way analysis of variance. Based on the result of the interaction model analysis between impulsivity and computer-mediated communication to online participation, it is known that the value of F = 1,587 with significance equal to 0,219 (p> 0,05). This research found that there is no significant difference in online participation based on computer-mediated communication of CMR and CMA, both at low, medium and high levels of impulsivity.



computer-mediated communication; impulsivity; online participation

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DOI: 10.22146/gamajpp.46324


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