Author Guidelines
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Authors are allowed to use AI and AI-assisted technologies only to improve the language and readability, *NOT for paraphrasing, summarizing from other previous material, and generating figures.
The submission should include 1) cover letter file, 2) manuscript file, and c) statement of originality and conflict of interest declaration file.
1. A COVER LETTER and proofread sertificate must be uploaded as a supplementary file. It includes include
a. Ther research highlights/important finding of the manuscript
b. Reviewers suggestion (mandatory): Please provide the names of 3 potential reviewers with the information about their affiliations and email addresses. The recommended reviewers should not have any conflict of interest with the authors. Each of the reviewers must come from a different affiliation and must not have the same nationality as the authors. Please note that the editorial board retains the sole right to decide whether or not the recommended potential reviewers will be selected.)
2. A STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY AND DECLARATION of N)CONFLICT OF INTEREST must be uploaded as a supplementary file. The statement form can be downloaded at here
3. INFORM CONSENT PHOTOGRAPHY/VIDIO/AUDIO must be uploaded as a supplementary file. The statement form can be downloaded at here
4. Please uploaded as suplementary file the certificate of proofreading if article not yet proofread please contac here
5. MANUSCRIPT file as the main file must be uploaded at UPLOADING THE SUBMISSION step can be download here. A MANUSCRIPT template can be downloaded here
General guideline
Address all correspondences and inquiries to the Chief Editor. The author is asked to provide manuscripts as electronic files. With electronic papers formatting requirements are few: a) Use MS Word, 1.5-spaced, 12 pt Minion Pro; b) use line number; c) Use English U.S. as the language; d) Indent or space between all paragraphs; e) Use the metric system throughout; f) Avoid text footnotes; they should be incorporated into the text. The manuscript should be arranged in the following order (begin new sections on new pages):
Title: must be brief, informative and indicates the main point(s) of the paper. (Indo J.Geog: max 10 words)
Authors Name : must be complete but without any title, accompanied by corresponding authors address, institutions address, and e-mail address.
Abstract: should not be more than 250 words and is constructed in 1 paragraph which includes the brief description of the paper and a summary of the key conclusions (written in two languages: Indonesian and English)
Keyword(s): should be provided below the abstract to help with the electronic search (3-5 words).
Introduction: this part gives background information to put your work into context, state of the art, what is rationale/reason for your study, and research objective
The Methods : (this part explains how the research is conducted, research design, data collecting technique(s), instrument development, and data analysis technique(s))
Result and Discussion: contains findings based on the analysis and elaboration of the data, what the findings mean, discuss the result with the previous publications or works. Discussion part should cite other works, not just describe the results/findings.
Conclusion: what is the finding implies, the shortcoming of the result, and suggest future research
Acknowledgment: Acknowledgments should be limited to collegial and financial assistance. Acknowledgments are not meant to recognize personal or manuscript production support.
Writing Bibliography follow APA Style (6th version). All the references that used in the article must be listed in this part and, and is written consistently. In this part, all the used references must be taken from primary sources/scientific journals (at least 80% as of all the references) that published in the last ten years. Each article should have at least 20 references.
All the served data or quotes in the article taken from the other author articles should attach the reference sources. The references should use a reference application management such as Mendeley, End Note, or Zotero, MS-Word.
An article in the Journal. Author(s). Year (in parentheses). Title of article, journal title (in italics). Volume number (in italics). Issue number (in parentheses). Page(s) (or Citation Number). DOI (digital object identifier).
Mattei, M., V. Petrocelli, D.Lacava and M. Schiattarella (2004). Geodynamic implications of the Pleistocene ultrarapid vertical axis rotations in the Southern Apennines. Italy. Geology. 32(9). 789-792. DOI
An article in Book. Author(s)/Editor(s). Year (in parentheses). Title of article. in Editor(s) (if any). Book title (in italics), Edition (if any). Page(s) of an article in the book. Publisher. Location (city and state/country).
Petacca, E and P. Scandone (2001). Late thrust propagation and sedimentary response in the trust-belt-foredeep system of the Southern Apennines (Pliocene-Pleistocene). In G.B.Vai and I. Martini (eds.). Anatomy of an Orogen: The Apennines and adjacent Mediterranean Basins, 401 - 440. Kluwer, Bodmin.
MATHEMATICS: Use italic for variables, bold for vector and matrices, the script for transforms, and san serif for tensors. Use superscripts and subscripts in a superior or inferior position; do not use raised and lowered fonts.
TABLES: Every table must have a title, and all columns must have headings. Column headings must be arranged so that their relation to the data is clear and refer to the column below. Footnotes should be indicated by a superscript, lowercase letters. Each table must be cited in the text.
FIGURES: Cite each figure in numerical orders in the text. Cleary mark orientation on the figure, if questionable. Indicate latitude and longitude on maps. Color figures, foldouts, pocket maps, etc., can be accommodated, but the costs of color for publishing these special features must be borne by the author.
To cover part of the publication cost, each accepted paper will be charged (based on the first author and first institution) as follow*:
• USD 350 (three hundred and fifty dollars)
*The publication cost is subject to change at any time and from time to time.
COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL: It is the author's responsibility to obtain any necessary permission to reproduce figures or tables from copyrighted sources. This includes any figures redrawn but unaltered or with only slight modifications. If you are using figures or photos that have been previously published, you must obtain permission from the copyright holder to publish their property in your Indo. J. Geog article. Because of the Indo. J. Geog reference list is considered to be a source tool for obtaining materials rather than an exact record of publication, use current publisher information if known.