Reducing symptoms severity in patient with COVID-19 and post COVID-19 patient using the Sujok Triorigin Therapy (STT) through community empowerment

Ade Sutrimo(1*), Intansari Nurjannah(2), Deddy Nur Wachid Achadiono(3), Janatin Hastuti(4), Azam David Saifullah(5), Ina Laela Abdillah(6), Rafialdo Arifian(7), Nabila Putri Irenda(8), Ajeng Wita Astri Devica Puri(9), Wulan Fitrianingrum(10), Pius Bonaventura Ado(11), Indah Fajar Destantika(12)
(1) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author
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