Relationships between self-efficacy, health belief, and self-care among type 2 diabetes mellitus

Isnaini Putri Cahyani(1), Fatma Siti Fatimah(2), Ratna Wirawati Rosyida(3*)

(1) Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Alma Ata University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
(2) Departement of Hospital Administration, Faculty of Health Sciences, Alma Ata University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
(3) School of Nursing, Health Polytechnic of Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


IntroductionDiabetes mellitus (DM) patients need to be empowered to manage their conditions. Some factors that affected the empowerment of diabetes mellitus patients were self-efficacy, health beliefs, and self-care. Self-efficacy positively correlates with health belief and self-care among patients with type 2 DM. However, such evidence is still limited in the Health Care Centers, especially in Yogyakarta. This research aimed to identify self-efficacy and the relationship between health belief and self-care among Type 2 DM patients. Methods: This is a correlative analytical of quantitative research using the cross-sectional approach. Purposive sampling was used to collect the samples, which were 83 patients who belonged to the inclusion criteria. This research was conducted in the Primary Health Center in Bantul Yogyakarta between April and May. The statistical tests used the Spearman rank correlation test due to the abnormal distribution. Results: The mean of self-efficacy, health belief, and self-care were 84.9±9.3; 105,1±7,2; 67,8±7,7, respectively. There was a significant relationship between self-efficacy and health belief at the value of p<0.000, and there was a relationship between self-efficacy and self-care at the value of p<0.000. Conclusion: Positive correlations were achieved between self-efficacy and health belief and between self-efficacy and self-care in diabetes mellitus patients.


Diabetes mellitus; health belief; self-care; self-efficacy

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