Zamdial Ta’alidin(1*)

(1) Fakultas Perikanan Universitas Brawijaya
(*) Corresponding Author


The objectives of this research were to know the effect of  different light sources on the total catch, species composition and size of fish captured by traditional lift net.  This research was conducted at the Pelabuhan Ratu Waters,West Java.

Fishing experiment was conducted for 12 hours each night, for 5 night.  Fishing operation was conducted alternately for two hours using kerosene lamp and electric lamp.

The light illumination, temperature, salinity and water current were measured after setting the gear, while the catch data were measured after hauling.  The maximum light penetration of kerosene lamp was able to reach 9 m depth (at the center of lift net), 8 m (at the middle of lift net) and 6 m (at the corner of lift net).  In addition, by using  kerosene and electric lamps, the light penetration was able  reach 11 m (at center and midlle of lift net) and 12 m (at the corner of lift net).

The total catch of lift net using kerosene lamp was  85.12 kg (9,086 fishes) comprise of 12 spesies with sizes  5.3 – 42.7 cm, while the total catch using combination of kerosene and electric lamps was  148.67 kg (12,685 fishes) comprise of 18 spesies with sizes 5.95 – 52.78 cm.

The results showed, that  the combination of kerosene and electric lamps  was able to increase the  total catch.


Fishing operation, kerosene and electric lamps, lift net, light illumination

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