Mangitung, Septina Fifi, Aquaculture Study Program, Fisheries and Marine Department, Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries, Tadulako University, Palu, Central Sulawesi
Vol 26, No 1 (2024) - Articles
The Effect of Salinity on the Growth and Albumin Content of Striped Snakehead (Channa striata Bloch, 1793)
Abstract PDF
Jurnal Perikanan Universitas Gadjah Mada (print ISSN 0853-6384; online ISSN 2502-5066) is published by Department of Fisheries, Universitas Gadjah Mada in collaboration with Semnaskan UGM (Seminar Nasional Tahunan Hasil Perikanan dan Kelautan) and ISMFR (International Symposium on Marine and Fisheries Research).
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