Studi Mutu Kayu Jati di Hutan Rakyat Gunungkidul. VI. Kadar Zat Anorganik dan Keasaman

Ganis Lukmandaru(1*), Rudy Nur Hidayah(2)

(1) Departemen Teknologi Hasil Hutan, Fakultas Kehutanan, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jl. Agro No.1, Bulaksumur, Sleman 55281
(2) Departemen Teknologi Hasil Hutan, Fakultas Kehutanan, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jl. Agro No.1, Bulaksumur, Sleman 55281
(*) Corresponding Author


Zat anorganik dan keasaman telah terbukti dalam mempengaruhi sifat-sifat kayu. Paper-paper sebelumnya dalam seri ini telah membahas sifat fisik dan kimia kayu jati dari hutan rakyat. Untuk itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi kadar zat anorganik dan keasaman kayu jati dari hutan rakyat Gunungkidul di 3 tempat tumbuh dengan zona ekologis berbeda (Panggang, Playen, Nglipar). Parameter yang diteliti adalah nilai pH, kadar abu (ASTM D-1102), kadar silika dan silikat (SNI 14-1031-1989), dan kadar unsur zat anorganik (Ca, Mg, K, Na, Fe, Mn, dan Cu) melalui Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Kisaran kadar abu serta kadar silika dan silikat secara berurutan adalah 0,38-2,62%, dan 0,01-1,17%. Kisaran nilai kadar zat anorganik Ca, K, Mg, Na, dan Fe adalah 408–2919 ppm; 69-23705 ppm; 947-1653 ppm; 4-31 ppm; dan 0-326 ppm, secara berturutan sedangkan Mn dan Cu tidak terdeteksi di semua sampel. Selanjutnya, kisaran nilai pH yang diperoleh sebesar 5,23 – 6,98. Berdasarkan analisis variansi, kadar abu, silika-silikat, dan Na dipengaruhi oleh faktor tempat tumbuh dan arah radial pohon (gubal, teras luar, dan teras dalam). Kayu dari Playen (zona tengah/Ledok Wonosari) menunjukkan nilai yang cukup tinggi untuk kadar abu dan silika-silikat. Faktor arah radial pohon berpengaruh nyata pada unsur Ca, K, dan Mg melalui uji Kruskal-Wallis. Dari analisis korelasi Pearson, didapatkan hubungan kuat antara kadar abu dengan kadar silika-silkat (r = 0,77-0,88) serta kadar abu-Ca (r=-0,51) dan kadar abu-Mg (r=0,59) di bagian teras. Dalam tingkat unsur, hubungan terkuat diamati pada kadar Ca-Mg (r = -0,46). Perhatian khusus perlu diberikan pada kadar silika-silkat yang relatif tinggi di sampel yang diamati karena pengaruhnya terhadap penumpulan peralatan gergaji.

Study of Teakwood Quality from Community Forests in Gunungkidul. VI. Inorganic Material Contents and Acidity


Inorganic materials and acidity in the wood has been proved to affect the wood properties. The previous paper in this series reported on the physical and chemical properties of teak wood from community forests. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the content of inorganic materials and acidity of teak wood grown in the 3 sites (Panggang, Playen, Nglipar) with different ecological attributes from community forests in Gunungkidul. The evaluated parameters were pH values, the contents of ash (ASTM D-1102), silica and silicates (SNI 14-1031-1989), and inorganic matters (Ca, Mg, K, Na, Fe, Mn, and Cu) by means of Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The ranges of ash and silica-silicates content were 0.38-2.62%, and 0.01-1.17%, respectively. The ranges of inorganic element content for Ca, K, Mg, Na, and Fe were 408–2919 ppm; 69 – 23705 ppm; 947–1653 ppm; 4 – 31 ppm; and 0 – 326 ppm, respectively whereas Mn and Cu were not detected in any samples. Further, the obtained pH values range was 5.23–6.98. On the basis of analysis of variance, the contents of ash, silica-silicates, and Na were affected significantly by site and radial direction (sapwood, outer heartwood, and inner heartwood) factors. The woods from Playen (middle zone/Ledok Wonosari) had significantly high in ash and silica-silicate contents. By Kruskal-Wallis test, radial direction factor affected significantly the levels of Ca, K, and Mg. As defined by Pearson’s correlation analysis, it was found a strong correlation between the ash and silica-silicates contents (r=0.77-0.88), as well as between the ash-Ca content (r=-0.51) and the ash-Mg content (r=0.59) in the heartwood part. In the inorganic element levels, the strongest correlation was measured between Ca-Mg content (r=-0.46). Special attention should be given to the comparatively high amounts of the silica-silicates content in the observed samples as it would dull cutting tools considerably.


ash content; inorganic naterials; pH value; silica; Tectona grandis;

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