Article in Press

Volume 9, No 3 (2024): In Process

The articles served on this page have been all reviewed properly according to the Jkesvo standards and policies and are accepted to be published in the upcoming issues. However, the articles have no particular publication date yet, until they are officially published on the website in a complete issue or volume.

  1. Memetakan Garis Pertahanan Melawan Leptospirosis: Pendekatan Spasial untuk Meningkatkan Respons dan Pencegahan | Yuli Subiakto; Giyantolin
  2. Pekerja Perempuan dengan Anemia, Implikasinya terhadap Health-related Absenteeism | Yumna Satyani Lasiyo; Doni Hikmat Ramdhan
  3. Pemeriksaan MRU dengan Bahan Kontras Oral Seduhan Daun Kopi Arabica Kerinci |Sudiyono; Rasyid; Yori Andra Yosa 
  4. Peran dan Hambatan Orang Tua dalam Pengasuhan Anak Penderita Kanker : Systematic Scoping Review Naila Chasanah; Yuli Kurniawati Sugiyo Pranoto; Ali Formen